- 为什么保温板可以在复杂的环境中使用
很多人对XPS保温板不是很了解,它其实就是一种以挤塑式聚苯乙烯为主要原材料的保温板,在一定程度上可以起到隔热保温作用,正是由于这个原因它是市场上常见的保温建筑产品,那么既然它是一种保温材料,为什么又可以在复杂的环境中使用呢?下面杭州博恩环保科技有限公司就来向大家做一下介绍。 人们通常衡量保温材料好坏都是从材料的吸水率开进行判断的,因为一般的保温材料要是吸水之后,其保温性能就会大大降低,要是遇到寒冷的冬天,温度极低的情况,保温材料吸入的水是很容易结冰的,那么就会导致保温材料的内部结构遭到破坏,对板材的抗压及保温性能造成严重影响。而XPS保温板本身的主要原料就是聚苯乙烯,这一化学物质的分子结构本身就不吸水,这给板材分子提供了一个稳定的内部结构,故而不容易出现漏水、结冰、渗透、冷凝等问题。 正因为XPS保温板具有优质的憎水和防潮性,所以它在很多优先域被当做地面防湿保温层,很多高寒地区在公路、铁路铺路过程中,就会使用XPS保温板作为路基。
Many people do not know much about XPS insulation boards. It is actually a type of insulation board that uses extruded polystyrene as its main raw material. It can play a thermal insulation role to a certain extent. It is precisely because of this that it is a common insulation building product on the market., So if it is a kind of insulation material, why can it be used in a complex environment? Hangzhou Boen Environmental Protection Technology Co. Ltd.. To make an introduction to everyone. People usually judge whether the insulation material is good or bad from the absorbent of the material, because if the general insulation material absorbs water, its insulation performance will be greatly reduced. If it encounters a cold winter, the temperature will be extremely low. The water inhaled by the insulation material is easily frozen, which will lead to the destruction of the internal structure of the insulation material, which will seriously affect the pressure resistance and insulation performance of the sheet metal. The main raw material of the XPS thermostat itself is polystyrene. The molecular structure of this chemical substance itself does not absorb water. This provides a stable internal structure for the plate molecule, so it is not prone to leakage, freezing, infiltration, condensation and other problems. Because the XPS thermal insulation board has high quality water repellent and moisture protection, it is used as a wet and thermal insulation layer on the ground in many areas. In many Alpine areas, XPS thermal insulation boards are used as roadbeds during road and railway paving.